Peer Reviewed Papers (for PDF reprints contact edd_hammill(at)
*Denotes student under my supervision.
Hammill, E., Tulloch, A., Possingham, H. P., Stange, N., and Wilson, K. A. Factoring attitudes towards conflict risk into selection of protected areas for conservation. Nature Communications.
Ollivier, Q*., Bramwell, N*., Hammill, E., Foster-Thorpe, C., Booth, D. Are the effects of adjacent habitat type on seagrass gastropod communities being masked by previous focus on habitat dyads? Australian Journal of Zoology 63 (5): 357-363.
Atwood, T.B., Hammill, E., Kratina, P., Greig, H. G., Shurin, J. B., and Richardson, J.S. Warming alters food web-driven changes in the CO2 flux of experimental pond ecosystems. Biology Letters 11 (12), 20150785.
Hammill, E., Fitzjohn, R.G., and Srivastava, D. S. 2015. Conspecific density modulates the effect of predation on dispersal rates. Oecologia 178 (4): 1149-1158.
Hammill, E., Atwood, T. B., and Srivastava, D. S. 2015. Predation threat alters composition and functioning of bromeliad ecosystems. Ecosystems 18: 857-866
Paleczny, M*., Hammill, E., Karpouzi, V., and Pauly, D. 2015. Population trend of the world’s monitored seabirds, 1950 – 2010. Plos One 10 (6), e0129342
Runge, C. A., Tulloch, A., Hammill, E., Possingham, H. P., and Fuller, R. A. Geographic range size and extinction risk assessment in nomadic species. Conservation Biology 29 (3), 865-876
Atwood, T. B.*, Hammill, E., and Richardson, J. S.Trophic-level dependent effects on CO2 emissions from experimental stream ecosystems. Global Change Biology 20 (11), 3386-3396
Atwood, T. B.*, Hammill, E., Srivastava, D. S. and Richardson, J. S. Competitive displacement alters top-down effects on carbon dioxide saturation in a freshwater ecosystem. Oecologia 175 (1), 353-361
Hammill, E., Corvalan, P. and Srivastava, D. S. 2014. Bromeliad-associated reductions in host herbivory, do epiphytic bromeliads act as commensalists or mutualists? Biotropica. 46(1): 78-82.
Forbes, C.*, and Hammill, E. 2013. Fear in the dark? Community-level effects of non-lethal predators change with light regime. Oikos. 122 (12): 1662-1668.
Atwood, T. B.*, Hammill, E., Greig, H. S., Kratina, P., Shurin, J. B., Srivastava, D. S. and Richardson, J. S. 2013. Predator-induced reduction of freshwater carbon dioxide emissions. Nature Geoscience. 6: 191-194.
Hammill, E., Curtis, J. M. R., Miller, K., Patterson, D. A., Farrell, A. P., Sierocinski, T., Pavlidis, P., and Hinch, S. G. 2012. Comparison of techniques for correlating survival and gene expression data from wild salmon. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 21 (2): 189-199.
Evans, T., Hammill, E., Kaukinen, K., Schulze, A., Patterson, D., English, K., Curtis, J., and Miller, K. 2011. Transcriptomics of environmental acclimation and survival in Pacific sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during spawning migration. Molecular Ecology. 20 (21): 4472-4489.
Miller, K. M., Li, S., Kaukinen, K., Ginther, N., Hammill, E., Curtis, J. M. R., Patterson, D., Siercinski, T., Donnison, L., Pavlidis, P., Hinch, S. G., Hruska, K., Cooke, S. J., and Farrell, A. P.. 2011. Genomic signatures predict migration and spawning failure in wild salmon. Science. 331 (6014): 214-217.
Hammill, E., Petchey, O. L., and Anholt, B. R. 2010. Predator functional response changed by induced defenses in prey. The American Naturalist. 176 (6): 723-731.
Hammill, E., Kratina, P., Beckerman, A. P., and Anholt, B. R. 2010. Precise time interactions between behavioural and morphological defences. Oikos. 119 (3): 494-499.
Kratina, P., Hammill, E., and Anholt, B. R. 2010. Inducible defences enhance persistence of intraguild prey. Journal of Animal Ecology. 79 (5): 993-999.
Hammill, E., and Beckerman, A. P. 2010. Reciprocity in predator-prey interactions: exposure to defended prey and predation risk affects consumer life history and morphology. Oecologia. 163 (1): 193-202.
Hammill, E., Kratina, P., and Anholt, B. R. 2009. Non-lethal presence of predators modifies morphology and movement rates in Euplotes. Hydrobiologia. 621 (1): 183-189.
Hammill, E., Rogers, A., and Beckerman, A. P. 2008. Costs, benefits and inducible defences: a case study with Daphnia pulex. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 21 (3): 705-715.
Wilson, R. S., Hammill, E., and Johnston, I. A. 2007. Competition moderates the benefits of thermal acclimation to reproductive performance in male eastern mosquitofish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B-Biological Sciences. 274 (1614): 1199-1204.
Hammill, E., Wilson, R. S., and Johnston, I. A. 2004. Sustained swimming performance and muscle structure are altered by thermal acclimation in male mosquitofish. Journal of Thermal Biology. 29 (4-5): 251-257.
Ollivier, Q*., Bramwell, N*., Hammill, E., Foster-Thorpe, C., Booth, D. Are the effects of adjacent habitat type on seagrass gastropod communities being masked by previous focus on habitat dyads? Australian Journal of Zoology 63 (5): 357-363.
Atwood, T.B., Hammill, E., Kratina, P., Greig, H. G., Shurin, J. B., and Richardson, J.S. Warming alters food web-driven changes in the CO2 flux of experimental pond ecosystems. Biology Letters 11 (12), 20150785.
Hammill, E., Fitzjohn, R.G., and Srivastava, D. S. 2015. Conspecific density modulates the effect of predation on dispersal rates. Oecologia 178 (4): 1149-1158.
Hammill, E., Atwood, T. B., and Srivastava, D. S. 2015. Predation threat alters composition and functioning of bromeliad ecosystems. Ecosystems 18: 857-866
Paleczny, M*., Hammill, E., Karpouzi, V., and Pauly, D. 2015. Population trend of the world’s monitored seabirds, 1950 – 2010. Plos One 10 (6), e0129342
Runge, C. A., Tulloch, A., Hammill, E., Possingham, H. P., and Fuller, R. A. Geographic range size and extinction risk assessment in nomadic species. Conservation Biology 29 (3), 865-876
Atwood, T. B.*, Hammill, E., and Richardson, J. S.Trophic-level dependent effects on CO2 emissions from experimental stream ecosystems. Global Change Biology 20 (11), 3386-3396
Atwood, T. B.*, Hammill, E., Srivastava, D. S. and Richardson, J. S. Competitive displacement alters top-down effects on carbon dioxide saturation in a freshwater ecosystem. Oecologia 175 (1), 353-361
Hammill, E., Corvalan, P. and Srivastava, D. S. 2014. Bromeliad-associated reductions in host herbivory, do epiphytic bromeliads act as commensalists or mutualists? Biotropica. 46(1): 78-82.
Forbes, C.*, and Hammill, E. 2013. Fear in the dark? Community-level effects of non-lethal predators change with light regime. Oikos. 122 (12): 1662-1668.
Atwood, T. B.*, Hammill, E., Greig, H. S., Kratina, P., Shurin, J. B., Srivastava, D. S. and Richardson, J. S. 2013. Predator-induced reduction of freshwater carbon dioxide emissions. Nature Geoscience. 6: 191-194.
Hammill, E., Curtis, J. M. R., Miller, K., Patterson, D. A., Farrell, A. P., Sierocinski, T., Pavlidis, P., and Hinch, S. G. 2012. Comparison of techniques for correlating survival and gene expression data from wild salmon. Ecology of Freshwater Fish. 21 (2): 189-199.
Evans, T., Hammill, E., Kaukinen, K., Schulze, A., Patterson, D., English, K., Curtis, J., and Miller, K. 2011. Transcriptomics of environmental acclimation and survival in Pacific sockeye salmon (Oncorhynchus nerka) during spawning migration. Molecular Ecology. 20 (21): 4472-4489.
Miller, K. M., Li, S., Kaukinen, K., Ginther, N., Hammill, E., Curtis, J. M. R., Patterson, D., Siercinski, T., Donnison, L., Pavlidis, P., Hinch, S. G., Hruska, K., Cooke, S. J., and Farrell, A. P.. 2011. Genomic signatures predict migration and spawning failure in wild salmon. Science. 331 (6014): 214-217.
Hammill, E., Petchey, O. L., and Anholt, B. R. 2010. Predator functional response changed by induced defenses in prey. The American Naturalist. 176 (6): 723-731.
Hammill, E., Kratina, P., Beckerman, A. P., and Anholt, B. R. 2010. Precise time interactions between behavioural and morphological defences. Oikos. 119 (3): 494-499.
Kratina, P., Hammill, E., and Anholt, B. R. 2010. Inducible defences enhance persistence of intraguild prey. Journal of Animal Ecology. 79 (5): 993-999.
Hammill, E., and Beckerman, A. P. 2010. Reciprocity in predator-prey interactions: exposure to defended prey and predation risk affects consumer life history and morphology. Oecologia. 163 (1): 193-202.
Hammill, E., Kratina, P., and Anholt, B. R. 2009. Non-lethal presence of predators modifies morphology and movement rates in Euplotes. Hydrobiologia. 621 (1): 183-189.
Hammill, E., Rogers, A., and Beckerman, A. P. 2008. Costs, benefits and inducible defences: a case study with Daphnia pulex. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. 21 (3): 705-715.
Wilson, R. S., Hammill, E., and Johnston, I. A. 2007. Competition moderates the benefits of thermal acclimation to reproductive performance in male eastern mosquitofish. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series B-Biological Sciences. 274 (1614): 1199-1204.
Hammill, E., Wilson, R. S., and Johnston, I. A. 2004. Sustained swimming performance and muscle structure are altered by thermal acclimation in male mosquitofish. Journal of Thermal Biology. 29 (4-5): 251-257.
Grey Literature Publications
Paleczny, M.*, Hammill, E., and Pauly, D. 2010. Seabird Distribution and Abundance in Canada, by Canadian Ecoregion. Sea Around Us project report.
Hammill, E. 2010. The international plight of salmon, our collective responsibility. Urban Garden Magazine.
Hammill, E. 2010. The international plight of salmon, our collective responsibility. Urban Garden Magazine.